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Brněnské komunikace – Czech transport construction/technology of 2019 GB

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On 22nd September 2020, the 17th nation-wide competition the Czech Transport Construction – Technology – Innovation of the Year took place at the Bethlehem Chapel in the Old Town of Prague. The aim of the competition is to present improving transport infrastructure in the Czech Republic and of the fields of Czech transport construction and civil engineering professions to both non-professional and professional public and to Czech and European political representatives.
The highlight of the festive evening was the presentation of the Czech Transport Construction, Technology and Innovation award to the representatives of the most successful companies.
The prestigious award of the Association for Transport Telematics and also another great award from the Czech Road Society was won by the joint stock company Brněnské komunikace for the implementation of the C-ITS system in the city of Brno.
I would like to invite Roman Nekula to the stage who is a representative of the he joint-stock company Brněnské komunikace, the client and implementer of this system. And also Libor Povejšil from the ELTODO group which represents the implementer and contractor of the ENERGOVOD CZ system.
The implementation was successful thanks to the C-ROADS CZ DT 2 project. The prizes are awarded for the implementation of projects in the field of modern technologies of ITS systems. The systems are based on V2X communication, which is between the vehicle and the infrastructure, or between vehicles. They provide the driver with targeted, timely and high-quality information while providing the traffic manager with up-to-date traffic information. C-ITS represent one of the fundamental conditions for the future implementation of automated vehicle control technologies.
The joint-stock company Brněnské komunikace has been providing professional services in the field of the administration and maintenance of roads and other activities related to transport for the City of Brno and the general public since 1995.
The results of the competition have won favour with a number of distinguished personalities and media partners that promote the fame of the winners and the benefits of the presented buildings and technologies to the professional and general public.

Czech Transport Construction, Technology and Innovation of 2019
Competition organizer: TOP EXPO CZ
Česká dopravní stavba, technologie a inovace roku 2019 organizátor soutěže spol.

The video was produced by the television and advertising company TVF
Oldřich Brýža – managing director

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