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10 Futuristic Construction technologies | Future constructions | Explore engineering

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Over the centuries, engineers and architects have devised ever-new ways to build taller, stronger and more beautiful creations using game-changing materials like steel girders, earthquake-proof foundations and glass curtain walls.

But what does the future hold for construction technology? Will there come a day when noisy construction crews are replaced by swarms of autonomous nanobots? Will the cracks in concrete foundations one day miraculously heal themselves, or gas stations be replaced by electric cars running on self-charging roads?

Watch our video on "10 Futuristic Construction technologies" for most exciting construction innovations of the near future.

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  1. Stanford Leeham

    New Construction technologies might be more comfortable for workers and much more beautiful and much more mysterious and incapable of human made.

    1. comfortable
    2. beautiful and brilliant taller
    3. Incapable of human made, mysteriously

  2. Manolis Skolarikis

    I believe when we take into account future constructions we should put aside a bit the profit factor. I don’t say this because am a communist or something but because constructions will have a tendency to be more complex. So I don’t know who would be happy with big things exploding. I know I wouldn’t be.

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